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Fitness Services for Educational and Childcare Settings

Real fitness solutions offers educational and childcare settings the opportunity to have high quality activity sessions delivered by a fully qualified fitness professional on site. Sessions are planned for a wide range of skill based activities and delivered using age appropriate coaching techniques and language that creates a positive learning environment for all.

Pre-school Activity Sessions

Activities are varied, and incorporate gymnastics skills and yoga shapes, which are structured to enable children to develop:

  • Locomotor skills – roll/step/gallop
  • Non-locomotor skills – twist/turn/balance
  • Hand apparatus skills – hold/catch/dribble with various equipment.
  • Body related skills – using whole body, body parts
  • Body actions – moving/not moving/balance
  • Body shapes – tall/arch/straddle/star.

These different elements combine to help the participants develop an increased understanding of body movement in its different forms and also creates an awareness of how the body can be used to achieve an objective, such as creating a star shape or balancing the body on one foot.

The sessions also incorporate spatial related activities which involve the recognition and use of personal space and general space, such as underneath or at the side of, while also looking to develop a sense of direction e.g. forward/backward/along. This helps participants to develop a sense of spatial awareness when performing individual activities e.g. standing behind a piece of apparatus in preparation to jump onto it and also a sense of direction e.g. jumping forward onto the piece of apparatus.

Interaction related activities are used to improve recognition of space e.g. up/down/towards/away from and these activities are either done independently, with a friend or as a group, with a focus on different group formation such as spread out, in a circle or in a line. Activities vary in each session so that participants get to practice working independently, in pairs and as a group in varying formations.

Individual session structure starts with a general active warm-up with mobilisation, followed by action, balance and co-ordination skills built around a topic or theme appropriate to the age range of the children, with a cool down to finish, including light flexibility and relaxation exercises.

Interested in our fitness programme for your Pre-school? Contact us

“Amy has been teaching the children at Happy Hares for the last six months. The sessions she leads are exceptional. They are linked to the topics and children’s interest and ensure that children are able to practice their physical skills and abilities – stretching different muscles and moving in flow. The children have definitely progressed and benefitted from these sessions.”

Primary Activity Programmes

Primary activity sessions can be delivered in a variety of formats depending on the requirements of the individual educational setting.

Real Fitness Solutions offers the provision to deliver activity sessions for:

  • breakfast clubs,
  • lunchtime sessions,
  • after school clubs and
  • specific lessons as part of the PE curriculum.


Activity sessions can be centred around multi-sports which gives the participants the opportunity to try a range of activities and skills, giving a taster of lots of different sports such as netball, cricket, mini-yoga, ultimate frisbee, football, gymnastics, indoor circuits and many more. Alternatively, on request we can plan sessions for specific sports or for a particular goal e.g. in preparation for a tournament or sports day.

Inclusive activities

Sessions will be planned using age appropriate activities and a person-centred approach to coaching methods with an inclusive environment that gives the opportunity for all participants to enjoy the experience of taking part in physical activity. Adaptations, modifications and progressions are applied throughout all activity sessions to suit the needs of individual participants, so that participation in activities and development of sports-based skills can occur effectively.

Interested in our fitness programme for your Primary School? Contact us

For an informal chat about how we can help you please call 07877 434304

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